BI Analytics
April 1, 2020

Power BI Live: Covid-19 Worldwide

A live interactive Power BI report refreshed daily (early hours GMT) from public datafeeds.


During this difficult time, it was useful to compare impact of the most accurate data available for daily Covid-19 infection cases, deaths and recovery across countries and continents.

  • Client

    Released to public

  • Frontend

    Power BI & DAX

  • Middleware

    Power Query "M"

  • Backend

    Azure SQL DB, API Feeds

Pandemic Monitoring

Below is a live and interactive Power BI report refreshed daily (early hours GMT) from public datafeeds by Johns Hopkins University, who have become key data gatherers and providers for Sky News, BBC etc. It’s also hosted on the Microsoft Power BI Community Data Stories Gallery.

Sort by column in the country matrix grid and hover over for detail or click to filter, or the top Search box for specific countries.

Data is set to disallow download of all base data so it remains protected and should be obtained from source. We hold no responsibility for its accuracy or usage.


Overview and detail of cases, deaths (and possible recoveries) across world.


Data API handling and dashboard using Power BI.


Power BI




SQL Server from CSVs

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