
Analytics Express!

Our Quarterly Newsletter

Ok, “Express” is a little ironic considering our analytics newsletter is quarterly (by season). But less is more, these days, and quality definitely better than spam.

We want to bring you some pithy summaries and articles if interested, so you keep up to date and bear us in mind for future work without forgetting us in the cloud of data! We promise to keep it interesting – including:

  • Sample BI & Analytics Dashboards
  • Cloud data headaches and relief
  • Open data – really available?
  • ML/AI – not hype or waffle but reality checks
  • Unboring statistics – an oxymoron but let’s surprise you
  • Insights at work – not just KPIs being met
  • AI rushes and crashes – good and bad attempts

You can, of course, unsubscribe at any time – go on, sign up below!

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